
Pretty Maids All In A Row Wholesale

Weddings are wonderful times where families are ‘married’ together and new groupings are made. In days gone by, this ritual used to be sometimes a little austere, particularly around both the World Wars, but in this modern age weddings are getting bigger and brighter than they ever were before.During World War 11 material was in such short supply, particularly in Europe, that brides’ dresses were often made out of some unusual fabrics or materials. Parachutes that had either gone past there ‘sell by’ date, or were somehow ‘purloined’, were cut down to make some rather unusual styles. The parachute material was in a rather delicate silk and this became a favorite material for anyone who could get their hands on it. Even the Queen of England had a wedding dress made from material bought with ration stamps since she didn’t want the people to see her as being ‘above’ them.Even wedding feasts were a little austere since rationing was holding a tight grip on everyone’s resources. Very often, people would pool their ration books and pick out some delicacies for the big day and this sense of camaraderie is what carried them through. Another stranger than fact occurrence was where ladies, particularly young ones, who didn’t have a pair of silk stockings to wear, would draw a pencil line up the back of their tanned legs to make it look like they were wearing them. In those days, all stockings had seams at the back and this was meant to fool the eye.In those days too, particularly amongst the working classes, weddings were kept very small because of the rationing of food and clothing. Brides may have one maid or matron of honor, but that would be about it. The groom would have his Wholesale best man, and ushers were picked out from family members to help at the church. Gifts were usually not given to the attendants, or expected, because of the times but nevertheless, weddings Wholesale HTC Evo 4G Dock and Cable were still a time for celebration.These days, it would seem that the wedding day is celebrated with all the pomp and ceremony missing from those far off days. Brides can have eight or ten maids in attendance and the groom has his men to accompany them. It is deemed that no maid should be unescorted so it is very unusual to find one who is unattended.The maids’ duties are primarily to attend to the bride’s every need on the day of the wedding. Sometimes they will also be given duties leading up to the big day, like arranging and catering for the hen or bachelorette night to celebrate those last days of being single. Other times, they will just be expected to turn up and look pretty! Of course, it is usually the bride who picks out the style for their clothes for that day, but sometimes, the bride just chooses the materials and lets the maids decide what style they will wear. This is great for those who are different ages or sizes since they will obviously choose something that flatters their shape and age.Once all this detail has been decided, it is now time for the bride and groom to decide what to give these pretty maids as a thank you gift for attending the bride. The choice is vast but most will settle on some form of jewelry that may be worn at the wedding itself. The obvious choice is a fine gold or silver necklace, depending on the color of the gown, with perhaps a pendant, cross or other emblem hanging from it. Matching bracelets make the perfect set and are often presented on the day of the wedding for the maid to take home with her.Of course, chains and bracelets come in many designs and it is usually up to the couple to decide on what price the gift should be. Should it be a twisted chain, box chain, or those unusual ‘snake’ chains which are round and smooth? Whatever is chosen, if a pendant is to be added, the chain must be strong enough to take the weight. Personalizing the pendant with an engraving makes it even more special and this is usually included in the price of the piece. With the modern age, comes the modern maid. Rather unusual gifts may include a belly ring or ankle bracelet and this will obviously be discussed beforehand. Earrings, though not so unusual, come in pierced or clip-on styles so the bride must work out who wants what well beforehand.For the adult maids, Iphone 4s Charger and those who are up and coming in the corporate world, there are other gifts which would be just as suitable as the jewelry. Fine leather weekend cases or laptop cases are now the ‘in’ thing for those who are constantly on the move. These can also be personalized with the initials of the maid and make super and unusual gifts. Even good looking briefcases may be a welcome gift for the maids if they have the need for them.It used to be that maids would usually be unmarried, but these days it really is not so important. With this in mind, lovely gift baskets, filled with exotic massage oils, ‘how to’ manuals and scented candles and soaps, may be just the thing for her to enjoy, with or without her significant other, after the rush of the wedding. Some gift baskets have toweling robes – with initials embroidered on Wholesale Apple Laptop Batteries – and slippers to complete the whole ‘spa’ style basket and would be a great way to show appreciation.Younger maids would love a music box or jewelry box to get them started in collecting their collection of jewelry and these can also be personalized for that little extra touch.Don’t forget that the maids don’t all have to receive the same gift. But it does save time and effort for the bride if arrangements are getting a little out of hand. Maids won’t really mind as long as they are shown appreciation.

